Tag Archives: Mattias Adolfsson

Sketchbook Illustrations by Mattias Adolfsson

July 9th, 2014 | Robot, Space

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mattias adolfsson Illustrations 1 Illustrations 2 adolfsson 3 Space Craft Adolfsson 4 Mattias 5 mattias adolfsson 6 mattias adolfsson 7

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Mattias Adolfsson is a Swedish artist who created these incredibly detailed pen & ink sketches of surrealist architecture, machines, animals, and spacecraft.  The illustrations are so intricate that I often find myself staring at them for long periods of time and discovering new details each time I look. I have a feeling each piece probably takes several days of back-breaking concentration to complete.

Most of the drawings are stand-alone pieces of art, but he has completed work for The New York Times, Work style Magazine, Amtrak, and Wired.

Mattias has a LARGE collection of work, just type his name into google, and you’ll see the whole gamut (or just check his website).

Also, you can find a cool book of some of his illustrations which are printed onto Moleskin HERE.