Tag Archives: Animation

Low-Poly, Isometric Worlds by Tim Reynolds

November 29th, 2012 | Robot, Space

I am very excited to present the Low-Poly work of Timothy J. Reynolds to all of you today.  Tim is a designer and architect who’s currently working full-time in Wisconsin as a 3D illustrator for a large marketing firm.  He’s been commissioned by Popular Mechanics, Nissan, and Apple, but he also has a whole host of really cool individual projects.  I think I must also mention that he has one helluva mustache.

I’ve always been a fan of Low-Poly illustration, but I especially appreciate the crispness of Tim’s designs.  He draws inspiration from a range of topics including machines, landscapes, architecture, and even space.
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Abstract Machines

These should be made into real sculptures…


2 things: Low-Poly water looks amazing, and I would love to hack it around on that golf course.



I apologize for the load time, but that’s one of the coolest GIFs I’ve ever seen.

As you can tell, Tim has a bright future in design and illustration.
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 I think his work would look fantastic in an animated film.
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 PIXAR should hire him!

If you would like to purchase some prints, head over to his Society6 page.  And, if you’d like to see more designs, go here.

If you’ve been inspired to try your hand at low-poly, Tim recommends Cinema 4D.  I assume there’s a bit of a learning curve, but I think I’m going to give it a try.  I’ll let you know how it turns out.


Why We Can’t Walk Straight

September 30th, 2012 | Brain

NPR’s Robert Krulwich reports on why we can’t walk straight.  This video is gorgeous and in case you were curious, the animator, Benjamin Arthur traced each frame of the live video to create the final piece – quite the arduous process, but I think it paid off… So a takeaway from the video, if you ever get lost, remember to look for a fixed point to orient yourself!


Animations of Unseeable Biology

January 15th, 2012 | Brain

Science is often intimidating and inaccessible, and it can be a problem for anyone attempting to grasp the unseeable world.  Drew Berry‘s animations let you see inside the cell at the molecular level, and the results are amazing.  They are both scientifically accurate and aesthetically beautiful.
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I am happy for the future students that will get to see these animations in school.


[via The Loom]

p.s. I also like Dr. Baxter’s attempt to achieve something similar back in 1957.
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