Category Archives: Space

For all your Space needs…

SpaceX Lands the Falcon 9

December 22nd, 2015 | Space

SpaceX Lands the Falcon 9

The energy in this video is all you need to feel to understand the importance of SpaceX’s recent landing of the Falcon 9 rocket from orbit. It’s truly history in the making.

If you were curious about the difference between this launch and the recent launch by Blue Origin, take a quick look at this quick video describing sub-orbital and orbital flight:

Blue Origin went up about 62 miles, and then came straight back down to Earth. SpaceX went all the way into orbit (>100 miles up) and many miles across the surface of the Earth, reaching about 3,500 miles per hour, then the rocket did a crazy flip and returned back to the exact launch spot where it started.

It’s an impressive technological feat and the impact will be wide-reaching. This is going to reduce the cost of putting satellites into orbit so much that global satellite WiFi has become a real possibility. However, the next crucial step is to see if the booster that was returned to the launch site can actually be used again for further launches. The materials have to stand up to repeated use, and that is not easy. Nonetheless, it was a great day for space technology.


Saturn V Cutaway by Stephen Biesty

November 24th, 2015 | Space

Saturn V cutaway

(Click to enlarge)

The Saturn V was a NASA rocket used between 1966 and 1973. It is the only launch vehicle that has been able to transport humans beyond low Earth orbit, making it responsible for bringing 24 different astronauts to the Moon.

I love these sort of infographics because they give you a sense of the design and engineering that went into these colossal machines. This illustration comes from a Stephen Biesty Incredible Cross-Sections book. Looking through these books is giving me a strong rush of nostalgia for the countless hours spent in my youth pouring over all of these intricate details.


New Martian Spacesuit Revealed

November 11th, 2015 | Space

New Martian Spacesuit

NASA recently released a new prototype spacesuit for future Martian exploration. The Z-2 design can effectively “dock” with a Mars rover or with some sort of habitation placed on the surface.
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A little like this:

New Martian Spacesuit 2 docking

A major advantage of this sort of design is that you can keep the Martian dirt on the outside and never track it through an airlock.

Of course, this design will likely go through many more iterations in the next two decades leading up to launch.
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If you want to get involved, NASA is looking for new astronauts! The job application opens in December, 2015. You need to have at least a bachelor’s degree in Science, Engineering, or Math with a few years of experience in those fields. Best of luck!


Namib Dessert via the ESA Satellite

October 12th, 2015 | Space

Namib Dessert ESA Satellite

Fire & Ice… The red hue comes from the iron oxide which is plentiful in this area of the Namib dessert of Namibia. BUT, the colors are not quite realistic. This is one of the European Space Agency satellite photos that have been recolored as part of an art/science collaborative exhibition called Spaceship Earth.

Here the location via Google maps if you are curious: link.

And here a few more of my favorite images from taken from ESA satellite:

ESA photo 2

Ganges’ Delta

ESA photo 3

Peruvian Landscape

ESA photo 4

Agricultural crops in Aragon and Catalonia


Project Apollo Archive

October 5th, 2015 | Space

Project Apollo Archive - Apollo 9

Kipp Teague is a Virginia-based space enthusiast who has been collecting and cataloging NASA content since 1999. The Project Apollo Archive is the result of the almost 2 decade effort which serves as “an online reference source and repository of digital images pertaining to the historic manned lunar landing program.”

It’s a large collection, but I’ll feature some of my favorites from each Apollo Mission here, starting with…

Apollo 7

(Color) Earth Orbit; NASA photographs; unprocessed 1800 dpi Hasselblad film scans by Johnson Space Center, circa 2005

Project Apollo Archive - Apollo 7
Apollo 7 Hasselblad image from film magazine 3/M – Earth Orbit

Project Apollo Archive - Apollo 7 photo
Apollo 7 Hasselblad image from film magazine 4/N – Earth Orbit

Apollo 8

(B&W) Lunar Orbit, Trans-Earth Coast; NASA photographs; unprocessed 1800 dpi Hasselblad film scans by Johnson Space Center, circa 2005

Project Apollo Archive - Apollo 8

Apollo 8 Hasselblad image from film magazine 13/E – Lunar Orbit, Trans-Earth Coast

Project Apollo Archive - Apollo 8 - 2

Apollo 8 Hasselblad image from film magazine 13/E – Lunar Orbit, Trans-Earth Coast

Apollo 9

(Color) Earth Orbit, EVA; NASA photographs; unprocessed 1800 dpi Hasselblad film scans by Johnson Space Center, circa 2005

Project Apollo Archive - Apollo 9 - 2

Apollo 9 Hasselblad image from film magazine 19/A – Earth Orbit; EVA

Project Apollo Archive - Apollo 9 - 3

Apollo 9 Hasselblad image from film magazine 20/E – Earth orbit, EVA

Project Apollo Archive - Apollo 9 - 4

Apollo 9 Hasselblad image from film magazine 21/B – Earth orbit, LM test flight

Apollo 10

Project Apollo Archive - Apollo 10

Apollo 10 Hasselblad image from film magazine 35/U – Lunar Orbit, Trans-Earth Coast


Apollo 11

(Color) Trans-Lunar Coast; NASA photographs; unprocessed 1800 dpi Hasselblad film scans by Johnson Space Center, circa 2005

Project Apollo Archive - Apollo 11

Apollo 11 Hasselblad image from film magazine 36/N – Trans-Lunar

Apollo 12

(Color) EVA-1; NASA photographs; unprocessed 1800 dpi Hasselblad film scans by Johnson Space Center, circa 2005

Project Apollo Archive - Apollo 12

Apollo 12 Hasselblad image from film magazine 46/Y – EVA-1

Project Apollo Archive - Apollo 12 - 2

Apollo 12 Hasselblad image from film magazine 47/V – EVA-1

Project Apollo Archive - Apollo 12 - 3

Apollo 12 Hasselblad image from film magazine 49/Z – EVA-2

Apollo 13

(B&W) Lunar Module undocking prior to re-entry; NASA photographs; unprocessed 1800 dpi Hasselblad film scans by Johnson Space Center, circa 2005

Project Apollo Archive - Apollo 13

Apollo 13 Hasselblad image from film magazine 59/R – Transfer from LM to CM; LM undocking prior to reentry

Apollo 14

(B&W) Post-Landing; NASA photographs; unprocessed 1800 dpi Hasselblad film scans by Johnson Space Center, circa 2005

Project Apollo Archive - Apollo 14

(B&W) Post-Landing; NASA photographs; unprocessed 1800 dpi Hasselblad film scans by Johnson Space Center, circa 2005

Project Apollo Archive - Apollo 14 - 2

(Processed) Apollo 14 Hasselblad image from film magazine 72/L – LM extraction, Lunar orbit

Apollo 15

(B&W) EVA-2; NASA photographs; unprocessed 1800 dpi Hasselblad film scans by Johnson Space Center, circa 2005

Project Apollo Archive - Apollo 15

Apollo 15 Hasselblad image from film magazine 90/PP – EVA-2

Apollo 16

(B&W) EVA-3; NASA photographs; unprocessed 1800 dpi Hasselblad film scans by Johnson Space Center, circa 2005

Project Apollo Archive - Apollo 16

Apollo 16 Hasselblad image from film magazine 106/K – EVA-3

Apollo 17

(Color) EVA-1 & 3; NASA photographs; unprocessed 1800 dpi Hasselblad film scans by Johnson Space Center, circa 2005

Project Apollo Archive - Apollo 17 - 1

Apollo 17 Hasselblad image from film magazine 134/B – EVA-1 & 3

Project Apollo Archive - Apollo 17 - 2

Apollo 17 Hasselblad image from film magazine 134/B – EVA-1 & 3

Anyway, there are many more that you can find on the Project Apollo Archive here.

Have fun!


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