Category Archives: Brain

For all your cerebral needs…

Anamorphic Illusions

January 4th, 2013 | Brain

Anamorphic Illusions

Anamorphic Illusions are distorted projections or perspectives requiring the viewer to occupy a specific vantage point to reconstitute the image.  In other words, you must be looking at the right angle for the optical illusion to work.

You may have seen these on streets around the world like this one or this one, but I’ve personally never seen an illusion quite as real as the video above.  The color, shadow, and texture are all spot on. I had to pause and rewind three times to soak it in.
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Here are some illustrations that demonstrate how the illusion is created:

anamorphic illusions diagram

Anamorphic Illusions Example

As you saw in the video, it’s necessary to stand at the right angle or you will lose the 3D effect.

I would really like to see one of these in person some day…


Robotic Arm Driven by Brain (Update)

January 2nd, 2013 | Brain, Robot

(It takes a bit of time to load, so wait a moment)

I’ve posted about this before (here), but 60 Minutes did a nice special on the advancement of Robotic Limbs, so I thought I would post an update.  The 2 main advancements I’ve noticed are that scientists have begun to add touch sensation to some of the prosthetics.  This will give the user the feeling that the prosthetic is actually a part of them and not just some strapped-on tool.  And secondly, this new brain-powered robotic arm appears to have much greater finesse than previous models.

I wrote a bit about how it works in the past, so I pasted that here:

The technology basically works by implanting a sensor in the motor cortex of the brain (see below).  This sensor reads the brain’s electrical “thoughts” and then sends them to an external computer for decoding.  This decoded signal is then transferred to the robotic arm so that it can deliver the coffee (or whatever else the user desires).

Motor and Somatosensory Cortex


Needless to say, I’m pretty excited about the emerging field of Neuroengineering.  Infection will always be a major concern for any implanted device, and especially when it’s located in the brain, but I’m sure scientists will find a way to make this feasible for the longterm.  One day, you WILL see tetraplegics walking around in robotic suits.

Robotic Suit - Exoskeleton


Exciting things to come in 2013 and beyond!


The Science of Productivity

December 17th, 2012 | Brain



Everyone would appreciate a little more productivity in their lives, and the short video above gives you a few tips to make that possible.  I remember reading about the study habits of world class musicians a while back.  Someone did a pretty extensive study comparing the best violinists in a school to the rest of the students, and like the video states, it was found that the best musicians didn’t study any longer but rather more effectively.  The best students attacked the most challenging musical sequences while other students focused on the easier portions of the songs.  I have a feeling that this may be a common trait among all successful people.

In the world of Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, and Instagram it can be a bit difficult to maintain focus and accomplish goals.  To increase your productivity, focus on these main points from the video above:

  • Get Started!
  • Don’t rely on will power, Stick to a plan
  • Break up large projects into smaller, achievable tasks
  • Make deadlines
  • Take planned study breaks
  • Stop Multitasking!

I have begun making nightly lists for the next day’s tasks, and I’ve found this to greatly increase my productivity.  Maybe it can help you too.

For more videos from the creators, check out AsapSCIENCE’s YouTube page.


[via Laughing Squid]

The Progression of a Burn

December 13th, 2012 | Brain

The human body has a truly amazing capacity to heal itself.  Below, you will find one such case – the dorsal side of this unlucky left hand was burned in a kitchen fire.

In the quotes below each picture, you’ll find notes from the Redditor who suffered through the experience.

Warning: the hand burn images can be a bit graphic! However, it’s fascinating to witness how the skin heals from day to day.  Enjoy!

Hand Burn

“Burn Day 1 – this is the only day that my hand actually hurt. It started to swell and blister.”

Hand Burn

“Burn Day 2 – I was keeping it wrapped in gauze and using ointment. No pain at all, just this terrifying blister.”

This signifies to me that the burn is pretty deep.  The fact that he feels no pain at all implies nerve damage.

Hand Burn

“Burn Day 3 – this is the day I finally went to a walk in clinic. The doctor looked at it for 45 seconds, told me to put bacitracin on it, and charged me $113. ‘Murica.”

Burn Day 4 – Blister Grows, Incredible

“Burn Day 5 – it finally popped while I was sleeping, but I kept my hand wrapped in gauze, so no mess.”

“Burn Day 7 – I thought it was looking pretty good.”

“Burn Day 8 – the dead layer has sloughed off. Oh god, the shiny new skin. Fun fact: If I held my hand above my head, every time my heart beat, that whole area would flash bright red.”

Burn Day 9 – Continued healing

“This is my hand a year and a half later. There is just a little discoloration on my knuckles and a barely visible oval on the back of my hand between my thumb and index finger.”

To determine the scale of a burn, you must know the depth of injury to the dermis.

A 1st degree burn implies that the burn only involves the outermost layer of skin called the epidermis.  These burns are usually red, dry, painful and heal in about a week.

2nd degree burns extend into the next layer of skin, the dermis.  These involve blistering and are usually painful and may result in some scarring.  Infection starts to become a concern.

3rd degree burns are burns that extend through the FULL thickness of the skin.  These are stiff, white/brown, painless and often lead to scarring and possibly amputation.

4th degree burns are as nasty as it gets.  They extends all the way through skin, subcutaneous tissue and into underlying muscle and bone.  Click here if you have a strong stomach.

I’d say the hand burn above is a pretty bad 2nd degree burn (blistering) with some elements of 3rd degree due to the nerve damage.

If you want to learn more about how to identify and treat burns, check out this book:

Burns: A Practical Approach to Immediate Treatment and Long Term Care


Map Anatomy from Shannon Rankin

December 2nd, 2012 | Brain

Map Anatomy from Shannon Rankin

from Shannon Rankin

Map Anatomy from Shannon Rankin

Map Anatomy from Shannon Rankin

I like this Map Anatomy concept from artist, Shannon Rankin.  Shannon is from California and now currently works and lives in Maine.  Here’s a quote from the artist regarding her interest in maps:

“Maps are the everyday metaphors that speak to the fragile and transitory state of our lives and our surroundings. Rivers shift their course, glaciers melt, volcanoes erupt, boundaries change both physically and politically. The only true constant is change.”

It’d be nice to see the topography of the maps relate a bit more to the actual anatomy, but nonetheless, the compositions are nice. For more map-inspired works and some geometric installations, check out Shannon’s website.


[via Street Anatomy]


‘Feels Like We Only Go Backwards’ by Tame Impala

November 15th, 2012 | Brain

Tame Impala Video

I’m pretty sure we are witnessing the resurrection of John Lennon in lead singer Kevin Parker from Tame Impala.  “Feels Like We Only Go Backwards” is a single off of the band’s new album, Lonersome.  The music is described as psychedelic groove rock, which seems fitting.  And I will tell you, this is NOT one of those record’s with just one good song; the whole thing is fantastic, so I recommend listening to it from start to finish.

Also, the video is one of my favorites of the year (directed by Joe Pelling & Becky Sloan).  It looks like it was made with the Play-Doh color palette, which makes sense considering the video was created entirely with Plasticine collage.

I see bright things in Tame Impala’s future.


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