The Moonlight Installation from Yang Yong Liang

December 11th, 2013 | Space
The Moonlight 1

LED Light Box:200 × 200 cm, Oil Painting On The Acrylic light film, Water Pool : 500 × 1000cm

The Moonlight 2

The Moonlight 3

Yang Yong Liang is the Chinese contemporary artist responsible for this breathtaking installation titled, “The Moonlight”. The piece was oil painted onto an acrylic light film with LEDs attached to the back.
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Then, the moonlight was beamed onto a reflective water pool to get this amazing final scene.

Here’s a picture of the piece with the room lights on, to give you an idea of how it was made:

The Moonlight 4

China has been showing a strong interest in the Moon lately. Reportedly, up to 1,000,000 citizens are now working in their space program.
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They recently launched the Chang’e-3 lunar lander, with the Jade Rabbit Moon rover on board, hoping to achieve a “soft landing,” which would be a critical step on the way to putting a person safely on the Moon.

Here’s an interesting podcast from Science Friday discussing China’s lunar plans. Maybe we will see a race to Mars between the US and China in the near future?
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For more artwork from Yang Yong Liang, head over to his site.


Santiago Ramón y Cajal – Artist and Nobel Prize Winning Scientist

December 4th, 2013 | Brain

Santiago Ramon y Cajal Young

“As long as our brain is a mystery, the universe, the reflection of the structure of the brain will also be a mystery.” – Santiago Ramón y Cajal

I have always found inspiration at the intersection of art and science — believing that each field can be strengthened by the other. Art can grow from science, and science can grow from art. Perhaps no other person in history characterizes this concept stronger than Santiago Ramón y Cajal. Born to an anatomy teacher in 1852 in a small city in northern Spain, Ramón y Cajal went on to win the Nobel Prize in Physiology & Medicine in 1906 together with the Italian, Camillo Golgi, “in recognition of their work on the structure of the nervous system.”

Ramon y Cajal

left: Cajal Legacy Instituto Cajal (CSIC), Madrid | right: Courtesy Thomas Deerink and Mark Ellisman (NCMIR, UCSD)

Ramón y Cajal became famous for his finely detailed drawings of neuroanatomy that changed our understanding of how the nervous system is connected. In his time, neuroscientists believed that the entire nervous system formed a giant “reticulum,” or web of fibers that linked together in one big structure. Cajal, however, determined that nerve cells were not continuous, but separated, providing definitive evidence for what would later be known as the “neuron doctrine.”


Cajal always had a predilection for art. He was an avid painter, artist, and gymnast, yet all of these activities were actively discouraged by his father. Nonetheless, Cajal developed his artistic skills and applied his talents to drawing the architecture of the nervous system. “Realizing that I had discovered a rich field, I proceeded to take advantage of it, dedicating myself to work, no longer merely with earnestness but with fury,” he wrote in Recollections of My Life. “In proportion as new facts appeared in my preparations, ideas boiled up and jostled each other in my mind.”

Santiago Ramon y Cajal Drawings

Cajal published more than 100 articles in French and Spanish scientific periodicals during his career, focusing on the fine structure of the nervous system and especially of the brain and spinal cord, but he also studied muscles and other tissues in the field of general pathology. As you may notice in the images here, Cajal had a tremendous eye for detail.


Santiago Ramón y Cajal’s research led to our understanding that nerve impulses, or action potentials, jump from cell to cell in the brain. These impulses are what make up all of our thoughts, experiences, memories, and emotions, the fundamental concepts which make us human, and is the reason he is so revered in the field of neuroscience.

Cajal is an inspiring figure and a perfect example of a scientist who flourished through artistic expression. If you want further reading about Santiago Ramón y Cajal, I suggest this quick read, which includes a lot of sage advice for anyone interested in science:

Advice for a Young Investigator (Bradford Books)


Every man can, if he so desires, become the sculptor of his own brain
― Santiago Ramón y Cajal

Brian Andrews Created a Creepy Fusion of Animals and Humans

November 30th, 2013 | Brain


Hominid is a new animated movie by Brian Andrews. To say that it’s a bit creepy is an understatement.
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He juxtoposed human skeletons into a world of insects, frogs, and spiders to create something truly strange.
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The whole project is based on a series of similar photo composites which has been exhibited around the world.
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You can find out more information on the project at


Infinity Rooms by Yayoi Kusama

November 26th, 2013 | Space
Infinity Rooms - Yayoi Kusama 1

Infinity Mirrored Room – The Souls of Millions of Light Years Away / Courtesy David Zwirner and Yayoi Kusama Studio Inc.
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Infinity Rooms - Yayoi Kusama 2

Infinity Mirrored Room, detail – The Souls of Millions of Light Years Away / Courtesy David Zwirner and Yayoi Kusama Studio Inc.

Infinity Rooms - Yayoi Kusama 3

Love is Calling, 2013. Wood, metal, glass mirrors, tile, acrylic panel, rubber, blowers, lighting element, speakers, and sound. / Courtesy David Zwirner and Yayoi Kusama Studio Inc.

Infinity Rooms - Yayoi Kusama 4

Yayoi Kusama in her 2013 solo exhibition I Who Have Arrived in Heaven at David Zwirner, New York. Courtesy David Zwirner and Yayoi Kusama Studio Inc. Photo: Will Ragozzino.

Infinity Rooms - Yayoi Kusama 5

Courtesy Rebecca Dale Photography

Infinity Rooms - Yayoi Kusama 6

Courtesy Steven Meidenbauer

Yayoi Kusama is a prolific artist hailing from Matsumoto, Nagano, Japan, and the Infinity Rooms pictured above are part of her new solo show titled,  I Who Have Arrived In Heaven, which is showing at the David Zwirner Gallery in New York.

Using an array of lights and mirrors, Kusama was able to portray the vastness and wonder of the Universe inside a space no larger than a room in your house.
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It really is a sight to behold!

The work is on view until December 21st, so if you’re in New York City, be sure to experience this for yourself.


[via Colossal]

A Soft and Squishy Brain

November 23rd, 2013 | Brain

Squishy Brain Video

This incredible pristine brain specimen is fresh out of Anatomy class at the University of Utah. You can even hear the bone saws humming along in the background! The brain has just been removed from an autopsy of a cancer patient who donated his/her body to science.

As Dr. Suzanne Stensaas points out in the video, the take home message is that human brain is extremely soft and squishy. So wear your helmet!


[via Boing Boing]

Darth Vader Hot Air Balloon

November 14th, 2013 | Space

Darth Vader Balloon

Darth Vader Balloon 2

Boat Balloons

Hot Air Balloons Mexico

Darth Vader Balloon 3

The hot air balloon has been carrying humans high into the sky since the first manned flight back in 1783. It’s a whimsical means of transportation that captures the imagination of pilots every year at the Festival Internacional del Globo in León, Guanajuato, Mexico.
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The images above come from the 2012 event, which featured a collection of over 200 balloons.
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The Darth Vader hot air balloon certainly takes the cake in my opinion.
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I’d really love to see a semi-transparent version lit up a night… It would be quite the sight!

For information on finding a festival near you, check out this Wikipedia list.


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