Category Archives: Robot

For all Your Robot needs…

Low-Poly, Isometric Worlds by Tim Reynolds

November 29th, 2012 | Robot, Space

I am very excited to present the Low-Poly work of Timothy J. Reynolds to all of you today.  Tim is a designer and architect who’s currently working full-time in Wisconsin as a 3D illustrator for a large marketing firm.  He’s been commissioned by Popular Mechanics, Nissan, and Apple, but he also has a whole host of really cool individual projects.  I think I must also mention that he has one helluva mustache.

I’ve always been a fan of Low-Poly illustration, but I especially appreciate the crispness of Tim’s designs.  He draws inspiration from a range of topics including machines, landscapes, architecture, and even space.
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Abstract Machines

These should be made into real sculptures…


2 things: Low-Poly water looks amazing, and I would love to hack it around on that golf course.



I apologize for the load time, but that’s one of the coolest GIFs I’ve ever seen.

As you can tell, Tim has a bright future in design and illustration.
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 I think his work would look fantastic in an animated film.
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 PIXAR should hire him!

If you would like to purchase some prints, head over to his Society6 page.  And, if you’d like to see more designs, go here.

If you’ve been inspired to try your hand at low-poly, Tim recommends Cinema 4D.  I assume there’s a bit of a learning curve, but I think I’m going to give it a try.  I’ll let you know how it turns out.


Mechanical Insects and Arthropods

November 19th, 2012 | Robot

Mechanical Insects

Mechanical Insects

Mechanical Insects- Justin Gershenson-Gates

Mechanical Art - Justin Gershenson-Gates

Mechanical Insects - Justin Gershenson-Gates

Mechanical Insect- Justin Gershenson-Gates

Mechanical Insect - Justin Gershenson-Gates

Mechanical Art - Justin Gershenson-Gates

Justin Gershenson-Gates is the man behind “A Mechanical Mind” and is responsible for these mechanical insects and arthropods made from antique watches.  He breaks the old watches down and then reassembles the parts into these creatures.
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 Here’s a quote from the artist:

“My aim is to show the beauty of the mechanical world, a place generally hidden from the public behind metal and glass. My pieces display the more delicate and ephemeral side of gears, rather than the cold, hard factory feel they normally portray.”

My favorite of the mechanical creatures is probably the spiders.  The glass bulbs make for really great abdomens.  I think it would be really great to see a stop-motion animation involving these guys.
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 Maybe something like The Deep from Pes, which I featured last year.  But, I’m not sure how much movement the parts of these creatures have, so it may be difficult.
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Anyway, if you’re interested, Mr. Gershenson-Gates also makes a lot of jewelry from the recycled watch gears that can be purchased from his Esty page.

And apparently, if you’re living in the Chicago area, you can see these mechanical insects first hand at the Bucktown Holiday Art Show December 8th and 9th, 2012.


[via Colossal]

High Speed Robot Hand

November 14th, 2012 | Robot


I suppose most advancements in the field of robotics come from Japan, and this High Speed Robot Hand is no exception.  Ishikawa Oku from The University of Tokyo created this prototype, and it’s pretty amazing how far we’ve come in the last 10 years or so.  At first, all we had were clumsy hands that could barely hold anything, and now, we have this robot hand that can probably take care of my iPhone better than I can.
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The hand bounces balls, ties knots, and spins its chopsticks using high-speed actuators with harmonic drive gears.  My main criticism of most humanoid robots is that they move too slowly, so I find this hand particularly fascinating.
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[via Hizook]

Darth Vader Helmet – Paper Craft by Cris Wiegandt

November 12th, 2012 | Robot, Space

Star Wars Paper Craft - Darth Vader Helmet

The uber-talented Cris Wiegandt is at it again.  She recently made this replica Darth Vader helmet out of paper for the Swedish fashion label, Monki.  In case you didn’t catch it, we interviewed Cris back in January after stumbling across her amazing Paper Space Shuttle, and I think she created an equally successful project this time around.  Her colors were picked perfectly, and I especially like the depiction of the whale.  WELL DONE, Cris.

Darth Vader Helmet

Darth Vader Helmet

Island Scene Made From Paper

Darth Vader Helmet

And she also made a short stop-motion video of the construction process featuring music from Wallenberg:

Be sure to head over to Cris’ Behance page and take a look at all that she’s been up to.  I can’t wait to see what she produces next…


Superman & The Mechanical Monsters

October 31st, 2012 | Robot

Mechanical Monsters

Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, this amazing stranger from the Planet Krypton, the Man of Steel, Superman.

I was in sort of a 1940’s cartoon mood this morning, so I give you Superman & the Mechanical Monsters.  The short film was released back on November 28th of 1941, but it looks similar to animation from my childhood.  The Mechanical Monsters was the very first story that featured Clark Kent using a telephone booth to discard his street clothes and change into Superman.  Apparently, this cartoon also influenced scenes from Castle in the Sky (great film!) and Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow.

And while searching around the internet, I stumbled across this Techno music video made by Nick Benidt from footage of the cartoon:

The song here is ‘Nizhny Tagil’, produced by Marek Tejchik from the Berlin-based minimal techno label, FRUCHT.  It has a lot of vintage sounding robot sounds, so I see why Nick chose The Mechanical Monsters for the video.

Here’s Nick’s excerpt:

“The song reminded me of robots, buttons, technological gizmos, etc…so I started thinking about footage I had seen or downloaded over the years. I remembered a special film I’d been saving for the right inspiration. It was a Superman cartoon made in 1941 called ‘The Mechanical Monsters’ In those days TV wasn’t around yet, so people would have seen this 10 minute cartoon before the main attraction in the cinema.”

Alright folks, now go dress up as a robot and scare some people.

Happy Halloween!



One Year Anniversary – Robot

October 17th, 2012 | Robot

The very first post was made on this site a little over one year ago.  I decided to scan through the year and pick out some of my favorite posts.  If you haven’t seen these, I would highly recommend taking a look.  In the coming days, I’ll feature a few stories from each of the 3 tenets of this site. First will be Robot.

TOP 3 of Year 1 – Robot

The Robotic Swarm

Robotic Swarm

The Sculpture of Chris Bathgate

 Anatomy of a Computer Virus


Well, there you have it.  I hope you enjoy.

Look for Space in the next few days.



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