Category Archives: Brain

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Bridging Time with Sound & Light – Brian Eno

June 10th, 2013 | Brain

Brian Eno - Light and Sound

Brian Eno has spent the last 40+ years pushing the boundaries of experimental and ambient music.  In his career, he’s worked with some of the best musicians in the industry including David Bowie, Coldplay, Lou Reed, and David Byrne.  In the video above, he discusses a new project called 77 Million Paintings.  This latest work is a “constantly evolving sound and imagescape which continues his exploration into light as an artist’s medium and the aesthetic possibilities of “generative software””.  The idea is that the music and images slowly fade in and out in a random, asynchronous manner to give a viewer a consistently unique experience.

“You surrender to the project. You surrender to the thing growing in its own way, and there’s a gracefulness in being able to surrender.'”


[via Gizmodo]

Science Photography from Fritz Goro

June 8th, 2013 | Brain, Robot, Space

Fritz Goro Heart

Blood circulating through a heart, 1948.

Fritz Goro was a German-born photographer known by many to be the most influential science photographer the world has ever seen.  He was born in Bremen, Germany and studied at the Bauhaus school of sculpture and design.  In 1933, Goro and his family fled Nazi Germany for the United States and they never looked back.  For over 40 years, he captured incredibly influential science photos working for LIFE magazine and Scientific American.

Seen here is just a sample of the timeless images Mr. Goro was able to capture during his career.

Electronics Fritz Goro

 Electronics, 1961.

Matter Experiment Fritz Goro

Burning a candle in a sealed flask of oxygen on a balance shows that matter can not be destroyed, 1949.

Fetus Fritz Goro

Fetus in an artificial womb, 1965

Monkey Visual Experiment Fritz Goro

An anesthetized monkey has its brain activity monitored, 1971.

Leaf-Cutter Ant Fritz Goro

A leaf-cutter ant carries away rose fragments, 1947.
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Quartz and Frog Organs Fritz Goro

A scientist uses a quartz rod as a light conductor to observe a frog’s organs, 1948.

Lab Equipment Fritz Goro

Shipboard laboratory equipment used for measuring sea water to detect any traces of radioactivity after an atomic bomb test in Bikini lagoon, 1946.
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Cow Fetuses Fritz Goro

A pair of 90-day-old cow fetuses clearly visible inside an amniotic sac, 1965.
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Skeleton Fritz Goro

Plastic skeleton showing spots of body most likely to be affected by radioactive fall-out, 1961.

Find more science photography from Fitz Goro at Life Magazine.


“Magma” — A Music Video by Dvein

May 25th, 2013 | Brain

Magma - Dvein Music Video 1

Magma - Dvein Music Video 2

Magma - Music Video 3

Magma - Dvein Music Video 4

Magma - Dvein Music Video 5

“Magma” is a new music video from Dvein, a motion and interactive collaboration between Fernando Dominuez, Teo Guillem, and Carlos Pardo based in Barcelona, Spain. The video is abstract, digital art at its best — a surrealist journey through a deteriorating, mountainous world filled with ghostly faces and swirling streams of liquid paint. Sounds cool, right? Check the video out for yourself above.
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From Dvein:

“Besides our commercial activity, Dvein is conceived as a platform based on experimentation. We try to redefine the way of focusing the objectives of every particular project.
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We are not afraid of thinking outside the box- as we were not afraid in the past of melting a plastic toy helicopter, directing ants and snails, or building a miniature music festival.
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I look forward to seeing more from this group.


“No One Knows Nothing Anymore” from Billy Bragg

May 22nd, 2013 | Brain, Space


Billy Bragg is an English musician with a musical history steeped in political activism.  From the artist: “My theory is this; I’m not a political songwriter. I’m an honest songwriter. I try and write honestly about what I see around me now.”

In other words, he writes songs with meaning.  “No One Knows Nothing Anymore” speaks to the barrage of scientific advancement which doesn’t necessarily bring serenity to our lives.
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Sometimes it’s better to take a step away from all of life’s worries, and enjoy the time we have.
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The Lyrics to “No One Knows Nothing Anymore”

“Deep down in the underground, atoms spinning round and round
Scientists monitor readings
Searching for the Holy Grail, the particle or at least the tale
Of the one who gives the universe its meaning.

But what if there’s nothing, no big answer to find?
What if we’re just passing through time?

No one knows nothing anymore
Nobody really knows the score
Nobody knows anything
Let’s break it down and start again

What happens when the markets drop,
If the numbers really don’t add up?
Everyone seeks the safe haven.
And as they contemplate their ruin,
The self-proclaimed smartest people in the room
Are trying very hard not to sound craven

But what if there’s nothing, no pot of gold to find?
Only the blind leading the blind.

No one knows nothing anymore
Nobody really knows the score
Seems nobody knows anything
Let’s break it down and start again

Let’s stop pretending
We can manage our way out of here.
Let’s stop defending the indefensible.
Let’s stop relying on
The lecturing of the experts
Whose spin just makes our plight incomprehensible.

High up on a mountain top, somebody with a skinhead crop
Is thinking deep thoughts for us all.
Serenity is all around, but if you listen you can hear the sound
Of one head being banged against the wall.

But what if our ancestors had stayed up in the trees
Who’d be sleeping weighed down by these worries?

No one knows nothing anymore
Nobody really knows the score
Since nobody knows anything
Let’s break it down and start again”


Sunday Challenge – Triangle

May 19th, 2013 | Brain

Sunday-Challenge-TriangleCan you Solve the Puzzle?

The two figures shown in the attachment are divided into four parts.
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The upper figure has two triangles, A and B, and two L-shaped areas, C and D. The lower figure has the same four parts arranged in a different order.
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Both figures have a width of 13 boxes and a height of 8 boxes. However there is also a 1-by-1 hole in the lower figure. Where did the extra space come from?
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Put your answer in the comments section.

Good luck!


HIV Model

May 14th, 2013 | Brain



HIV Model

HIV Model

HIV Model

Ivan Konstantinov and his team created this detailed model of HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) back in 2010 by spending 3 months summarizing 100 different publications in fields of virology, X-ray analysis and NMR spectroscopy.  “The depicted spatial configurations of 17 different viral and cellular proteins found in the HIV particle are in strict accordance with known 3D structures. The viral membrane in the model includes 160,000 lipid molecules of 8 different types in the proportion found in the HIV particle.
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HIV is certainly one of the scariest disease around, but this model makes it look like a fluffy, harmless ball.

There has certainly been a lot of noise about HIV “cures” in the past few years, and I think Alex Dent put it well when he wrote “Yes, amazing things are happening in science, but the results of studies tend to be amplified as they echo through media outlets.”  As a journalist, I try my best not to exaggerate scientific findings.  Publications write dramatic headlines to draw readers in, but unfortunately, the public doesn’t always get the most grounded information as a result.
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Hopefully models like this one will help lead to a real HIV cure sometime in the near future.


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