Tag Archives: Brazil

Psychedelic GIFs from Henrique Lima

March 15th, 2014 | Brain

mestre fungo 1

mestre fungo 2

mestre fungo 3 mestre fungo 4 mestre fungo 5

Henrique Lima is a Brazilian artist who makes some of coolest GIFs on the web. The series titled, Mestre Fungo, is an pure acid trip, and probably not the good kind. Henrique animates flowing tears, bleeding noses, gashed faces, and melting skin in fluorescent colors that seem to jump off the screen.

Mestre Fungo translates to Master Fungus, and I think the name is very fitting!

See many more from the series at the artist’s site.


Urban Wingsuit Flying

March 16th, 2013 | Space

Urban Wingsuit Flying

This is just incredible. Jokke Sommer & Ludovic Woerth took their extreme sport to a new level recently in Rio de Janeiro.  They went up on Ultralight Planes and at 5:45 in the morning, they jumped into the heart of the city.  My jaw dropped when they approached the opening between the two buildings. Wow! I hope Urban Wingsuit Flying takes off.  I’d like to see more locations, like this one in Dallas:


Here’s a short video of Jokke describing his passion for flying:


[via Reddit]

Pencil Sculptures from Dalton Ghetti

February 22nd, 2013 | Robot

Pencil Sculptures 1




Elvis Pencil



Dalton Ghetti is a Brazilian carpenter who sharpens a lot of pencils in his free time.  He began his quest to sculpt tiny objects back in 1986 a few years after coming to America.
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 His plan was to bring attention to the small things in life.

The pencils are all recycled from the streets and sidewalks of his neighborhood.

Here’s how he does it:

 “To create his sculpture, he holds the pencil in his hand under a strong light source (table lamp or sunlight) and carves it mostly with a sewing needle and a very sharp, triangular, small, metal blade. He works at very small intervals: 1 to 2 hours maximum per day whenever he gets inspired. He works very slowly by removing specks of graphite at a time.
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It therefore takes months or sometimes years to complete a sculpture.
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You can find more of his work and buy prints from his website.


[via Juxtapoz]

Darth Vader Helmet – Paper Craft by Cris Wiegandt

November 12th, 2012 | Robot, Space

Star Wars Paper Craft - Darth Vader Helmet

The uber-talented Cris Wiegandt is at it again.  She recently made this replica Darth Vader helmet out of paper for the Swedish fashion label, Monki.  In case you didn’t catch it, we interviewed Cris back in January after stumbling across her amazing Paper Space Shuttle, and I think she created an equally successful project this time around.  Her colors were picked perfectly, and I especially like the depiction of the whale.  WELL DONE, Cris.

Darth Vader Helmet

Darth Vader Helmet

Island Scene Made From Paper

Darth Vader Helmet

And she also made a short stop-motion video of the construction process featuring music from Wallenberg:

Be sure to head over to Cris’ Behance page and take a look at all that she’s been up to.  I can’t wait to see what she produces next…


Space Crafted – An Interview with the Artist

January 19th, 2012 | Space

Check out the amazing work of Brazilian Artist, Cris Wiegandt.  She hails from São Paulo, Brazil, but she has been living in Europe for the past 12 years (now based out of Berlin).  She created this piece for the agency Ressourcenmangel GmbH for a business pitch, but unfortunately they didn’t win.  Regardless of the business outcome, we are happy to have these lasting images of the meticulously crafted shuttle.
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  The gray background accents the soft palette quite nicely here. Something tells me Cris would have been very good at creating model cars/ships as a child…

I tracked down Cris through the interweb, and she was nice enough to answer a few questions about how she made it, and about her career as an artist.

How did you go about making the space shuttle? Was it modeled after a specific shuttle?

“[The company] sent me a picture of a space shuttle and the colors I should use. It was a picture found at google [space shuttle unknown].  I made the craft completely by hand. First I made some scribbles about how to build it together, the size of the parts and how to glue it. Then it was more or less just trying and putting everything together.”

What inspired you to enter the field of art?

“Definitly Michel Gondry and music, especially David Bowie, Björk and MPB (musica poplar brasileira).”

How did you choose to focus in animation and design?

“I think I can’t say that it was a choice.
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I was the only option for me. The only thing I could imagine to do.”

How would you like to see your career develop as an artist?

“I hope I will have more nice and creative projects where I can develop my artistic way and continue living as an artist.”

Make sure to take a gander at Cris’ website for crafts, animations, video, and more.  I hope someone hires her to create more Spacecraft in the future.
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  I’d like to see the ISS, or maybe a Soyuz next.